Q. Why is Roy "Rises" Butler (the owner auctioneer at Wallis & Wallis) called "Rises"?
A. Because, to the annoyance of everyone, Wallis and Wallis staff, auction buyers and sellers alike, he insists on calling bid increments "rises".
Time to retire Roy; you are becoming a right pain in the buttocks and incumberance to Wallis and Wallis. So many weird rules, errors. So much bad attitude.
1) You never know what the bid increments will be when "Rises" takes the rostrum. He decides on a case-by-case basis. So it is almost impossible to leave absentee commission bids for hundreds, even thousands of pounds because of the "annoying" regular occurence where you find you are the under-bidder by £5. When are bidding quite high sums, the last thing you want tpo find out is that some pet dealer of Roy's was allowed to bid £5 above your maximum.
2) No point in Internet bidding when Roy "Rises" Butler is on the Wallis and Wallis rostrum either, as they often ignore / remove Internet bids; not out of malice, but because they are inept, and miss them, and then delete them. I have seen items sold to someone in the room while Internet bids were still soring. Roy "Rises" Butler says "You will have to bid faster online" in his horrible condescending voice. Screw you Butler I say; Internet bidders are real people and real bidders as well, even better then your pet dealers sitting in the front row.
3) If you want to get rid of any competition at Wallis and Wallis, send them an email (attn: Roy Butler) claiming that the person you want to nobble called him (Roy Butler) an pompous prat (or better). Roy is so dumb and self-important, he will order any absentee / Internet bids from that person to be rejected.
Wallis and Wallis used to be great a few years ago, now they smell like the diaper laundry section of a care home, literally and figuratively.
All the above is my honest opinion only.